Listing 1 shows an example of an Ajax request to retrieve a place's name from its postal code. 清单1清单1给出了这样的一个例子,Ajax请求通过某个地方的邮政编码来检索该地的名称。
Formats to represent the same real-world entity might be conflicting ( for example, number compared with string to represent a postal code). 用于表示相同的现实世界实体的格式可能会发生冲突(例如,使用数字和使用字符串表示邮政编码)。
Does the complete address ( street number, street, city, state, postal code) exist? 完整地址(门牌号、街道、城市、州、邮政编码)是否存在?
If the data matches the current regular expression, the application displays a message to indicate that the postal code is valid. 如果数据与当前的正则表达式匹配,则应用程序显示一条消息,表明邮政编码有效。
Find places near a postal code, by country ( returning an XML file or JSON feed). 找到某个邮编所代表位置的周边地区,按国家返回(返回XML文件或JSON提要)。
For example, the definition or constraint that a postal code must be a valid number may be missing or not enforced consistently. 例如,可能缺少邮政编码必须为有效数字的定义或约束,或者执行不一致。
Should numbers in the postal code field represent a correct postal code? 邮政编码字段中的数字是否表示正确的邮政编码?
The regular expression is a string loaded from a text file, so you don't need to change the code when you want to add support for a new type of postal code. 由于正则表达式是从文本文件中装载的一个字符串,所以当添加对新类型的邮政编码的支持时,不需要更改代码。
Does the postal code match the state ( and the city)? 邮政编码是否与州(及城市)匹配?
The following example shows how to use a scalar rule for postal codes and country. 以下例子展示了如何对postalcode及country应用标量规则。
A: Yes, please. B: Can you tell me the postal code for this building? 请讲。B:本楼的邮编是什么?
Postal Code: This information is required. 邮政编码:此信息是必需的。
Ad Service: Unsupported zip code, postal code, or geographic location. 广告服务:不支持的邮政编码或地理位置。
For example, you may want to sort by postal code for a large mailing. 例如,您可能希望按照邮政编码对较大的邮件排序。
The contents shall include: organizationinstitution information, address, legal representative, contact number and postal code. 抄送的内容包括:机构内容、住所、法定代表人、联系电话、邮政编码。
I'm sorry, but this doesn't look like a valid zip or postal code to me. 对不起,您所输入的邮政编码好像不正确。
Enter your Canadian Postal Code. This will enable the download of current TV Program Guide information. 输入加拿大的邮政编码。这将允许您下载最新的电视收视指南信息。
The following example demonstrates how to use the regularexpressionvalidator control to validate a five-digit postal code. 下面的示例演示如何使用regularexpressionvalidator控件验证一个五位数的邮编。
Demographic Information: This may include your gender, age, postal code, interests, and other information you provide to us voluntarily. 个人信息:该信息可能包括您的性别、年龄、邮政编码、兴趣以及您自愿向我们提供的其他信息。
There is no TV Program Guide information available for your ZIP Code or Postal Code and TV signal type. 没有任何收视指南信息可用于您的邮政编码和电视信号类型。
The following example changes the postal code value for rows that match a specified city. 下面的示例中,对符合指定城市的行,更改邮政编码值。
Enter your zip or postal code here. 请在此处输入邮政编码。
This is appropriate because the relationship between a customer and a postal code may change over time. 这是正确的,因为客户与邮政编码之间的关系可能会随着时间的推移而更改。
Or, you may want to split a column that contains an address field into separate street, city, region, and postal code columns. 或者,您可能希望将包含地址字段的列拆分为单独的街道、城市、区域和邮政编码列。
The example profile provider supports two profile properties: a list of stock symbols and a zip postal code. 示例配置文件提供程序支持两个配置文件属性:股票符号列表和邮政编码。
What's the postal code numder of this place? 这个地方的邮政编码是多少?